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McDonald´s and ilEAN TS' CEOS talked in Barcelona about traceability and food security in the actual food sector

Philippe Walch McDonald´s CEO in Spain with S. José Miralles ilEAN TS´s CEO in Spain talked about the use of the different traceability systems in the food sector and its implications in final prices and food product quality.

During a series of conferences organized by Caterdata magazine, Philippe Walch and S. José Miralles talked about traceability and food security. During the conferences both speakers enhanced the high level of security food that McDonald´s has reached in its products. The American multinational has set high standards in the food industry and has become the leader in the sector, setting the trends that other brands will follow in the next years.

McDonalds & ilEAN talked about traceability

For its part, ilEAN TS´s CEO in Spain, explained that the critical point to introduce traceability control systems is to reach the maximum level of control within the minimum possible cost.

The traceability control in the food industry affects this sector in a primary level, so its necessary to work hard to get the registry paths in the most efficient way to not incur in unnecessary costs derived from bureaucracy and lost registries, that directly affect to the competiveness of the product. S. Jose Miralles, one of the most important voices in traceability systems and food security gave to the audience a procedure guide written by experts from all over the world and edited by the international traceability portal. This guide listed all the key points to avoid the bureaucracy of the productive systems and to reach new efficiency points to be more competitive in the alimentary sector.

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